So, I lost some weight!

Yes people, after changing to Abilify (aripiprazole) from Zyprexa I can honestly say I’ve found the right mix of medication to help with my weight issues. I suffer from bipolar type 1 and when going manic I do experience psychosis. So I do need anti-psychotic meds in my life. Problem is, a lot of these medications we are given have terrible weight gaining effects.

 I just recently survived two consecutive pregnancies (a year a part from one another) and the weight I gained from those two escapades were catastrophic. So meds like Zyprexa was just not going to work for me. It made food taste like air. I was insatiable. But now, now things are different. Now I eat when I’m hungry and I know the feeling of being full. I welcome it and don’t overstep the boundary. Full is full. Before there was no line to draw. I’d just eat and eat, as if I was eating for two… Or three. It became a huge problem. I had no energy (Zyprexa made me sleepy) and I felt like I was too big to move around. Exercise was a chore (read as pain in the bum). Actually everything just ached. I did some exercise when I was in the gym during my last clinic stay but haven’t been continuing. But I’m proud to say I’ve lost 6kg in the short time of being at home (3 weeks). And that’s after not lifting a finger or a leg! I could have lost more yes but I’m just thankful that losing the weight is NOW POSSIBLE. With the old meds, i had to  to “accept” my fat fate. It’s difficult to explain to someone who hasn’t been through picking up weight due to medication but it really is a reality people with all sorts of illnesses face. (Like thyroid issues)
Anyway, I just wanted to share my great news with my world.

I feel comfortable in my own skin, mood is stable and my weight is down. This has really given me a boost in confidence. Whooorah!

Look, I know I may not have my 19 year old dancer body back, but I just want to feel like myself again.  Free. At peace. 

Yours in power,


happy eyes


9 thoughts on “So, I lost some weight!

  1. Sandra says:

    You are awesome! I am so happy for you! You are gorgeous but I know how it feels to gain weight because of a situation beyond your control. And I do love when you post pics so let us continue to see your beautiful smiling face.

    Liked by 1 person

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