Round up of published articles

When I do get a chance to blog elsewhere, I do it. I never know when the mania fuels me to drive my passion to help, nor do i know when the fists of depression will clench its fists over my soul. I’m dramatic, but I love it.

I’ve written three posts for BP Hope magazine and two of them have been published recently [One and two]. The article about how to get your life on track (one) has been doing tremendously well and has over 2100 views. I’m hoping for the same for the other post which was published today.

The first one also made it’s way to South African shores when it was accepted by the kind Monique Warner to be published on the rapidly growing and successful All4Women website. You can find the article here.

That’s it. You thought there were more?

Oh, uhm no, I’m no Ruby Wax. .

As they say in twitterland,



3 thoughts on “Round up of published articles

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